التغطية الصحفية الأردنية لأزمة اللاجئين السوريين في الأردن دراسة تحليلية للصحف اليومية: الرأي، الدستور، العرب اليوم
منال المزاهرة
دورية اعلام الشرق الاوسط العدد 12، 2016
الصفحات 1-20

ملخص الدراسة
This study aimed to explore the extent of the Jordanian media coverage of the Syrian refugees’ crises in Jordan. It examined the topics covered, and revealed the patterns used in the coverage of topicsُ related to it. The researcher used a purposive sample consisted of Al-Rai, Al-Dustor, and Al-arab Alyoum newspapers, and used content analysis as a tool to collect data. The results showed a lack of interest in covering the Syrian refugee’s crisis in the Jordanian newspapers, and weakness in displaying the different aspects of the crisis. Furthermore, the coverage concentrated on camps visiting, contributions provided, number and the influx of the refugees, and follow up meetings to the refugees’ conditions. The coverages lacked details and consequences of the crisis on the Jordanian citizens. The newspapers’ styles used were limited only to the news and news reports ignoring the investigations, inquiries, articles and reportages
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