
15 وظيفة متنوعة مطلوبة للهيئات التاعبة الامم المتحدة في مصر

 15 وظيفة متنوعة مطلوبة للهيئات التاعبة الامم المتحدة في مصر

Thank you for your interest to join the United Nations family in Egypt. Vacancies posted here represent various UN agencies in Egypt. If you are interested in any particular vacancy, please make sure you send your CV to the email stated in the vacancy, on or before the stated deadline. Some vacancies may require a P11 form, which is also available on the website.

The UN is an equal opportunity employer. It does not require any application fee nor does it employ third parties to recruit candidates; any person requesting a fee or claiming to be recruiting on behalf of the UN is fraudulent and must be reported at once to the authorities.

Consultant for Project EvaluationConsultant for Project EvaluationUNAIDSelbeih@drosos.org7/9/2015
National Programme OfficerNational Programme OfficerIOMHRDCairo@iom.int7/11/2015
National Agricultural Workshop ConsultantNational Agricultural Workshop ConsultantUNODCprocurement.eg@unodc.org7/6/2015
Researcher (Statelessness) – InternationalResearcher (Statelessness) – InternationalUNHCRARECAHR@unhcr.org7/11/2015
Researcher (Statelessness) – G6Researcher (Statelessness) – G6UNHCRARECAHR@unhcr.org7/11/2015
Infoline Team LeaderInfoline Team LeaderUNHCRARECAHR@unhcr.org7/11/2015
Driver – MenoufiaDriver – MenoufiaILOhrdanish@ilo.org7/12/2015
Driver – MenoufiaDriver – MenoufiaILOhrdanish@ilo.org7/12/2015
HR AssistantHR AssistantILOhrcai@ilo.org7/9/2015
National Project CoordinatorNational Project CoordinatorILOhrdanish@ilo.org7/12/2015
Project AssistantProject AssistantILOhrdanish@ilo.org7/12/2015
Project Clerk – MenoufiaProject Clerk – MenoufiaILOhrdanish@ilo.org7/12/2015
Project Clerk – QalyoubiaProject Clerk – QalyoubiaILOhrdanish@ilo.org7/12/2015
RFQ Catering ServiceRFQ Catering ServiceIOMiomegbids@iom.int7/15/2015
Programme AssistantProgramme AssistantUNODChr.egypt@unodc.org

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